CTSV does not market medical devices, but indirectly designs and builds their core. The Medicons, in fact, also known by other names with the same suffix (cons), represents since 2012 a great innovation in the field of regenerative surgery.

CTSV designs, innovates and manufactures these mechanical devices which then appropriately certified companies implement by including them in specific kits or transforming them into medical devices. This is the case, for example, for MediGraft kits and MediBlue devices. Other devices projects are already in our pipe-line and will later be designed, patented and manufactured by CTSV to help improve research and medical applications.

La CTSV non commercializza dispositivi medici, però ne progetta indirettamente e ne realizza il cuore. I Medicons, infatti, conosciuti anche con altri nomi con lo stesso suffisso, rappresentano dal 2012 una grande innovazione in materia di chirurgia rigenerativa.

CTSV progetta, innova e realizza tali dispositivi meccanici che poi aziende opportunamente certificate implementano includendoli in specifici kit o trasformandoli in dispositivi medici. Ciò avviene ad esempio per i kit MediGraft e per i dispositivi MediBlue. In seguito altri dispositivi verranno progettati, brevettati e realizzati da CTSV per contribuire a migliorare la ricerca e le applicazioni mediche.

◼ MediGraft-A Regenerative surgery procedure kit

Service KIT Cod. IM5203
Sample preparation tools for regenerative surgery.

- TNT Surgical wrapping drape cm 60x60
- Folded surgical drape cm 75x90
- Biopsic punch Ø 4mm
- Scalpel fig.15
- Steril streep 6x10mm
- Anatomic forceps
- Syringe 2.5ml LL without needle
- Blue Bowl cm 27x14x2,5
- 1 Medicons - P (it works with all compatible motors at torque and speed optimized for Medimachine)

ℹ️ For orders and more information click here: www.syntec-international.com

Medimax MG Cod. 79209
The Medimax MG is an automated mechanical device designed to run all kind of Medicons available in the different MediGraft surgical kits.

UDI-DI 08054754470000
Actor ID/SRN: IT-MF-000035729
BD/RDM: 2433373

Download the IFU at the following link: PDF


CTSV: Via Marco Polo, 28 - 10090 BRUINO (TO) Italy - p.iva: 09762950013 - Tel. +39.011.9049381 - Fax +39.011.9055288 - info@ctsv.biz

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